Saturday, September 20, 2008

Care for Hydroponic plants

For lazy or busy people, hydroponic planting is one of the easiest and most hassle-free way to grow plants. Virtually any plant that can grow in soil will grow well the hydroponic way. For some plants, the hydroponic way may even result in faster or better growth.

Pix 1: Hydroponics plants can be kept indoors as long as it recieves sunlight. However, keep away from direct rain water.

Some of the hassle-free advantages of hydroponics include:
  1. You can re-cycle the growing media because they are in-organic. If you use Leca, brick shards, styroform peanuts, marbles, etc, simply wash, sun-dry and re-cycle for the next growth.
  2. No watering needed. The plants roots grow direct into water so all nutrients and water are on call at all time.
  3. No fertilising needed. Just add the right proportion of liquid nutrients.
  4. No weeding needed.
  5. No necessity for direct sunlight although it will help. You can use artificial lights or even silver foil reflectors to re-direct sunlight.
  6. Can be grown indoor. In fact, one reason why hydroponics is popular with city and apartment dwellers is because it grows well indoor and require minimal care compared to a outdoor garden.

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